LGBT History Suriname
Execution & Extinction must cease
Existence & Expression will thrive
A unjust common History Exposed
Quotes from our Book:Par.1.2.6 Quoted verbatim and political incorrectnessInteresting to see is the decision to publish several news items from foreign newspapers, for example in newspaper De Vrije Stem:On 31 August 1970 ‘Homofielen huwelijk ging niet door’ – [Gay wedding cancelled]January 1977 ‘American Lesbian initiated as priest’May 1977 ‘Military officer in the USA dishonourably discharged for marrying a transsexual’9 November 1978 ‘Nieuwe anti-homo campaign in V.S.’ [New anti-gay campaign in the USA] from Anita Bryant, who a year earlier had declared “I’d rather my child be dead than a homosexual”11 November 1978 ‘Beverly-Hill Homos’, the victory in court over Senator John Briggs’ and Anita Bryant’s anti-homo legislation29 November 1978 ‘Burgemeester San Francisco doodgeschoten’ [San Francisco mayor assassinated – Harvey Milk].Irrespective of whether these news items had negative spin to them or not, whether they necessarily had any bearings on local occurrences, they were deemed significant enough to influence local stances, trigger local sentiment, public discussions and opinion on homosexuality. The following news articles do this, too.Another crazy suggestion we find in a newspaper article from 1979 in the Newspaper De Vrije Stem: ‘Stress during pregnancy cause for homophilia’. In the same year, the same newspaper would also publish an article, copy/pasted from a foreign source: ‘Catholic directives regarding homosexuality’, in which we see that not much has changed since then in the official Catholic doctrine regarding homosexuality.Another sad example was the politically incorrect joke in the newspaper De Vrije Stem of 13 September 1972 ‘even lachen; drie homofielen’ [‘a quick joke; three homophiles’]. This illustrates the sentiment of the day; recognizable in every individual’s own social surroundings, whether family, friends, work or school. Although seemingly innocent and perhaps intended as such, these kinds of words feel like a dagger through the heart of many LGBT persons. This political incorrectness in newspapers would most probably not be tolerated and would most likely be found to be distasteful in present-day circumstances. In the following years there were several more ‘gay’ jokes published under the same column ‘even lachen’ [a quick joke]. This is an indication of the normalcy of subconsciously trashing LGBT people. How many times have LGBT individuals, while closeted and struggling with their identity in a scary, unsafe world, been ‘nailed to a cross’ while in the company of friends and family when these hateful jokes are uttered? All the while making them feel so incredibly small and insignificant and despising themselves in so many ways, and making them contemplate the thought of being unworthy of living. This political incorrectness might seem innocent; be assured it is not.
Love – A History of Hate in SURINAME. Hide, Flee or Suicide – Ivan Patrick Liesdek – Brave New Books
Ellipée – Ivan Patrick Liesdek Born in Paramaribo, Suriname, on 14 December 1968, human rights activist since 1999, entrepreneur, sportsman and LGBT advocate, Patrick has for 6 years (2016 – 2022) re…
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